Friday, January 13, 2012


Just for the record, I like Tim Tebow.  You say he's not a great quarterback.  I say he's a second year guy who's doing a pretty damn good job against elite athletes, and less talented quarterbacks have taken their teams to Super Bowls...Trent Dilfer.  But that's not why I like the kid.

Tim Tebow is living his dream, playing a GAME and getting paid to do it.  And he openly shows his faith in God.  (Yes, that's a capital G in God.)  What's wrong with that?  Does it make him less of an accomplished athlete?  No.  Is he a weaker man, because he openly shows his love for our Lord?  Absolutely not.  I see many pro athletes, most of them only for show, pointing to the sky or crossing themselves when they score or make a big play.  I also know of a few others who have been as open about their faith as Tebow.  Troy Polamalu and Drew Brees come to mind.  So, why, then is Tim Tebow the butt of just about every joke on every daytime and nighttime talk show?  Why is his faith fodder for so much hate and disrespect?  Why are so many offended by the prayers on the sidelines?  Why does "political correctness" prohibit us from bad mouthing Muslims, but not Christians? 

So many questions.  Here's another one for you to ponder.  If Tim Tebow were Muslim, would he be mocked for his faith the way he is now?